Using Twitter Hashtags at Events

A great, short, video about WHY you should be using hashtags – # – on Twitter from my friends at Epiphanies, Inc.

“Something’s happening behind the scenes at many of the seminars, conferences, trade shows, workshops, and other live events you attend. Conversations are starting, people are connecting, information and resources are being shared…

Are you hip to this jive?

It’s all happening on Twitter. Some peeps like to refer to this as the “back channel,” a line of communication opened to those in the know, and to find it, all you have to do is use a dedicated hashtag for the event.

The hashtag, or “#” sign, when attached to a set of characters – like #AhaNH for our upcoming “A-Ha!” NH Social Media Business Summit – appears as a live hyperlink in the Twitter stream, and you can click it to see a list of tweets from people who are talking about that event or subject.

You can make up any hashtag you want and just start using it on the fly. (It helps to do a quick search on Twitter first, to see if anyone else or any other group is using it for some other purpose.)

In this video, Lani Voivod, co-owner and your Ally in Possibility at Epiphanies, Inc., gives you the Twitter back channel lowdown and invites you to take advantage of this cool collaborative space if you’re not doing so already.”  ~ Lani Voivod, Epiphanies, Inc.

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